[NEW PRODUCT] Grafen Handsome Brow

Hi, It's been a long time. I have been busy with life. This time I want to introduce a new unique product that I found recently. It is Grafen Handsome Brow. It is a Korean makeup Product for men. Yes, you are reading it right, makeup product FOR MEN!

In Indonesia it is rare to see man using makeup. But in Korea it is normal for man using a little bit of makeup for fresher look. Usually man's makeup will have darker shade, less bright color. This product I found is a product that is good for shaping men's brow.

To me personally, brow play an important part of facial feature wheter it is to a man or woman. Because when you got a well groomed brow, your face expression could lifted up instantly. Grafen Handsome Brow surely will get you the perfect brow. With a unique zig zag felt tip, it gives a natural brow strokes.

It claims to be easy to use, waterproof and longwearing. I think it does suitable for a busy man. Especially when they need to go to important occasion such as meeting, interview, or even just going for work day by day.

Not just for Brow, this product is also suitable to make a better sharper look for your other facial hair. Such as your mustache, side burns, and forehead line. You can style your facial hair better so you look more groomed. I think this is actually important for men's look. 

I hope my article could give you all, my readers to be more open about a new phenomenon. I also hope this could make you understand more about how universal makeup is today. See you on other writings on my blog :)) Cheers!


  1. Wah pria juga butuh ngalis juga ternyata ๐Ÿ˜œ enggak cuma cewek. Tapi pastinya cowok kalau ngalis lebih cepet daripada cewek ya bebh. Bisa digunakan buat cewek enggak nih?

  2. Hhi iyasih di korea udh ga asing lg klo cowo ngalis, klo di indo pasti deh di hujat๐Ÿ˜…

  3. sekarang tuh lagi musim aplikatornya kayak sisir gitu ya kak, anyway aku baru tau cowok suka ngalis taunya kalo MUA doang hehe

  4. Aku udah nyobain produk ini Karena penasaran sm produknya trnyata lmayan susah pakenya

  5. Produknya keren banget nih buat pria , aku baru tau ad produk khusus pria loh

  6. Beda gitu ya sama produk alisnya cewek?

  7. lucu banget itu, aku pengen nyoba eyebrow yg aplikatornya begitu tapi masih belum berani


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